Sunday, April 24, 2011

Evil pregnant black girls, how dare they get educated!!

If you are a power hungry, corrupt, dictator and want to maintain power at all costs, what do you do? You arrest regular people who object. We saw this with Stalin, Pol Pot, Hussein, Mubarak, and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder.
The goal of his administration is to uphold Teapublican policies like removing anything held in public trust or done for the common citizen and selling it to corporations to own and/or do away with.

One school in Detroit just had to go. It was far too successful. It was a school for that most hated of teapublican enemies, pregnant and predominantly black girls. Not only is their receiving an education an affront to all that teapublicans hold dear, they were successful. They had a 90% graduation rate. In Detroit, it is rare to find an 80% graduation rate. These girls had, or were about to have, children. Most were from broken homes. Yet there was a principal who refused to let them fail as society expected. She guided these children who became adults too soon into a world that they would never have seen. She helped MOST of them get into college! In Detroit!

The Teapublicans have their revenge on these horrible people though. Passing draconian measures in order to increase their control and to sell schools to whatever warped millionaire wanted one, they gave a corporate lackey FULL control. No more messy discussions with public servants and no more rule of law. In Michigan, you will now do what the dictator and his corporate sponsors tell you or else they will, literally now, own your schools and cities.