"... the science I’ve presented suggests that the political right and left are quite different animals; that they perceive the world differently and handle evidence differently; and most importantly, that the polarization and the denial of science in modern American politics are fundamentally the fault of the authoritarian right."
"In other words, if my book is right, we have to discard much that we thought we knew about politics. If the science of political ideology is right, then the ground shifts beneath us."
This is utterly and completely true! I'm desperately tired of people who claim that "the Left is just as bad as the Right." No, they really aren't. The left wants society to be a framework that supports economic growth, personal rights and responsibilities, and methods to ensure that our weakest citizens aren't dying in the gutter from starvation. Just a decade ago, the Right wanted these also, just to a lesser degree.
Now however, the Right has completely abandoned any semblance of societal responsibility and has decided that the only rights necessary to promote are those that belong to wealthy men. Sadly, and whenever possible, light-skinned wealthy men that only speak English are the true targets of Republican largess. This is more extreme than at any time since the early 1920's.
People that were securely Moderate just a decade ago are now considered Flaming Lefties. As I just said however, they haven't changed teams, the playing field has drastically shifted. The corporate media keeps making the same false equivalancy, though they do so more out of corporate mandate and to falsely claim fairness than any desire to be fair. Please people, quit playing this game, there really is a bad guy in this nation, and it doesn't mean that you are a bad person if you accept that!
Please don't wait until you are working for fifty cents and hour, living in a clap together shelter near the toxic waste dump that was once a gradeschool, while your family starves beside you. Make no mistake, this is the future that Ron Paul, the Koch brothers, and other Teapublicans want for you.