Saturday, May 23, 2009

sickness and prayer

a family teaches their children that prayer can cure. well, ok. lying
to kids is not a crime. a child in the family gets ill with cancer.
the church and family members all support a refusal of medical
treatment in favour of "healing" prayer. not ok anymore. willfully
preventing a minor from life-saving medical treatment is a crime or
should be. my solution to this disgusting idiocy is simple: no adult
from the family or congregation is allowed medical care....ever. if
there is a car wreck and someone's arm is laying on the ground 12 ft
away, they get no bandages or blood. they can afterall receive the
"healing" from prayer.
what?... it doesn't work that way?... but apparently it does... if
it's not visible. the cancer that eats away at the child is killing
him as surely as losing ones blood to violence. just as not every
gunshot, car wreck, stabbing, etc. wound can be healed or the person
saved, not every victim of cancer can be saved; but at least most have
the chance. to have the chance removed, and be told there is a god who
will help, is so unbelievably wrong that this punishment should be
enforced strictly.
there are some that say: but wait! i know a guy who knows a guy that
prayed and got better! sadly this argument is just not correct. for
every case of spontaneous remission that was supposedly the result of
positivity and prayer, there is a case wherein the person was
negative, distraught, and overwhelmingly pessimistic, yet still was
cured. the reason for this is simple: it isn't based on which goat-
herding, flat-earther philosophy you follow.
this woman has kidnapped her son and ran off to mexico. she will
presumably follow some "homoeopathic" remedy and her son will die. she
and other theists will then begin screaming about how it's the judges
fault for making her run to mexico, and the stress, and some other
nonsense as to why her son died. after all, it simply can't be because
there is no god that answers prayers(or any other god).
my final problem is this: if you think prayer it during
treatment. i'm fairly certain that a loving god would want to see
parents doing everything possible for their kids. i simply don't see
how someone would want to worship a god that sits and says" ok the
cancer is spreading. pray people! what!! an outrage!! how dare you
attempt to preserve a life i feel should be cancer ridden!!" then
again, reading the bible... i can see a god concept doing that quite

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