Sunday, October 24, 2010

DADT is back! Thnx Obummer!

So Obama did direct his lawyers to protest the perfectly legal and thoughtful judges ruling that momentarily cast DADT into the wastebin of bad laws built on bigotry. Along with the 3/5 rule, Jim Crow, Separate but Equal, etc., DADT could have collected dust with other laws that do nothing but marginalise important segments of our society.

A primary argument seems to be that the judge overstepped his bounds or that congress needs to remove the law. TRIPE! It is well within (and even describes) the judges JOB of measuring the constitutionality of laws to prevent the trampling of the minority by the majority or by political idiocies. Of course, Obama wants a few bigots to vote for his party, so he's selling out the LGBT community.

Just to add a little more insult, there is the "too much, too soon" crowd.
"Military officers have argued that if the change is made too quickly, it will place the military on a collision course with federal statutes. Families and spouses of soldiers have access to benefits like housing, health care and education through marriage, which the federal government does not recognize for same-sex couples."

The government may have to allow other measures of equality if they allow this one! Quick! Run for the hills! Gay people might be full citizens soon!

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